Room to Heal

Special Event Schedule

Healing Services
Bach Flower Therapy
Meditation Schedule
Message of the Week
Special Event Schedule




Beginning Sunday May 31st at 7:oo p.m.

 The Lightarian Institutes's


 Are being offered at

Room to Heal

1614 Churchville Rd Suite 101

Slavie Executive Center

Bel Air MD 21015

410 322 5297


The first in the series, and a prerequisite for All of the Archangel Attunements, is:

 Seraph Rose Aura  AngelLink

May 31st 7:00- 9:00  p.m.  Exchange - $100

The AngelLinks are a way of bringing you closer to the Angelic Realm and God by linking you directly to the Angel.  The attunement will be given to you directly and be facilitated by Cynthia personally.  You will receive a beautiful certificate suitable for framing!


The Lightarian AngelLinksTM

  • Create powerful connections with an "A-Team"... a specialized team of angelic energies consisting of a Seraph and four assist you in your day-to-day life.
  • Expand the pure angelic qualities of unconditional love, non-judgment, courage, beauty and joy within your energy fields.
  • Establish a series of five unique and permanent guideship connections with these supportive angelic beings.

The five Lightarian AngelLinks are designed to create extraordinary connections for you with a high vibrational team of angelic beings that we call the "A-Team."  This "team" consists of a Seraph (named Rose Aura) and four Archangels (Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel). The AngelLinks have been inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and these Archangels in order to directly and more strongly work with humans to advance their spiritual development. Their intentions are to infuse into the energy fields of humans many of the qualities and energetic patterns which they embody.

Typically, the connections created via the AngelLinks are much deeper than the angelic contacts that humans have long been experiencing. These linkages with Seraph Rose Aura and the four Archangels are especially fine-tuned, extremely high-vibrational and truly permanent in nature. They are very different from the more traditional "telepathic and etheric interactions" that many individuals already have with the Angels. Each of these AngelLinks sets up a new, very special kind of linkage within your energy fields to allow you and these angelic beings to work together more effectively.

How will these angelic energies work with me?

In general, these five angelic beings have committed to working intimately and powerfully with us... Their focus is to help you embody and expand the pure angelic qualities of unconditional love, non-judgment, courage, beauty and joy in your day-to-day life. In addition to these five major angelic qualities, each angelic being will be a guide for you in these other specialized ways:
* Assisting you in navigating within the etheric realms,
* Supporting you with divine healing,
* "Lighting your way" into the future time,
* Stimulating your creative expression and
* Making your communications more effective.

More specifically, Seraph Rose Aura's AngelLink for unconditional love... From the highest level of the Angelic Realms called the Seraphim, a Seraph by the name of Rose Aura has stepped forward to spread the angelic quality of purest unconditional love to humanity. Via her AngelLink connection with you, an "angelic flame of unconditional love" will be placed into your heart space, fully radiate through your energy fields and then ripple out into all areas of your experience. Afterwards, Rose Aura will be working in your "etheric background" as an Angelic Guide to assist you in all matters of the heart...especially the expansion of unconditional love of self and others.

Please note that the Seraph Rose Aura  AngelLink represents our "Lightarian Doorway" into the energetic level of the Archangels and is a prerequisite for receiving the four Archangel AngelLinks.

About the Four Archangel AngelLinks... After receiving your Rose Aura connection, additional AngelLinks are available for creating more specialized etheric links with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel. At the bottom of this page you'll find a click-on for additional information about the Archangel AngelLinks.

Your initial AngelLink with Seraph Rose Aura is received in a few simple steps...

  • Your Rose Aura AngelLink connection is passed on to you by the Institute's Master Facilitator via a simple, guided meditation technique called an attunement. AngelLinks can be received in-person, by telephone or remotely (from a distance).

  • The angelic connection takes place through a guided meditation. During the meditation, your Facilitator establishes a simple, permanent, etheric energy connection directly between you and the angelic being. This guided meditation can take place in-person, by phone or in a remote (telepathic) mode.
  • There is no formal training involved with the AngelLink process. However, if you have any questions about the information in the Booklet, you can discuss them with your Facilitator during your in-person or phone session. If you receive the AngelLink remotely, then any questions can be addressed via phone or E-mail.
  • After receiving your Rose Aura AngelLink, you become a "Facilitator" and can immediately begin sharing your Rose Aura connection with others. In this way, you become an "angelic conduit" and participate in the expansion of these divine qualities and patterns throughout humanity.

The Archangel AngelLinks: Following your attunement with Seraph Rose Aura you can receive the Archangel AngelLinks and also begin sharing them with others using these same simple steps.  For more information please visit


 Coming again soon..... 

Come and spend a Sunday afternoon with the Angels!

Have you always wondered about Angels?  Do you talk to them?  Have you ever had a “close call” and knew an Angel helped you out? Do you wish you knew more about them? 

In this workshop you will learn about the Angelic Realm and some little known facts and history of these magnificent Beings. You will learn the gift of Angels to Humans that is largely unopened.  In this simple workshop you will be shown how to incorporate them into your every day.  Learn how to protect and clear yourself, your home, your children, your work environment and your travels.

We will end the day with a guided meditation to meet your Guardian Angel.  You will understand and realize you are and never have been alone. 

Many have contacted me from previous Angel Workshops  and have commented on how it has changed their lives, both personally and job related.

Your life will never be the same!

11am to 3pm

Cost ~ $55

~ light refreshments will be served ~

~ Dress comfortably ~

Pre Registration Required

contact  410 322 5297


  To Reserve your seat 

Room to Heal

Slavie Executive Center

Suite 101

1614 Churchville Rd

Bel Air MD 21014

No checks will be cashed until after the workshop is held.

~Early registration is strongly suggested~